Annual Parish Meeting




Present:  A Shaw (Chair), V. Smith, P. Smith.


1.  Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held 6th May 2022

The minutes of the meeting were approved as an accurate record of proceedings. 


2.   Chairman’s report

As Parish Council chairman I have the opportunity to feed back on the previous year and forward plan for Glentham Parish Council.

This year has been a year of stability but we continue to look for additional members to assist. 

In addition to the support from parish council members, as in previous years we have been supported greatly by Cllr Bunney whom we thank for his ongoing support and always fitting us into his busy schedule. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parish councillors and clerk for their hard work, professionalism, dedication and commitment in supporting the village of Glentham over the last 12 months. We are fortunate to have individuals that are prepared to volunteer their time to such a valuable cause, with a positive benefit to all. 

I would like to thank the regular attendees of the parish council meetings for their ongoing support, healthy debate and interest in the upkeep of our fantastic village.

Many thanks to Maureen who has continued to check our defibrillator on a weekly basis to ensure that it is in working order if required.

With ongoing cuts to funding to councils, a key to both our previous successes and future achievements is reliant upon the active help and support from residents. I should add at this point that we always need more help and support to make our village look even better. If anybody would like to offer their assistance for a couple of hours per month, then please get in touch.

In recent years we had found deterioration of the play equipment and I am pleased to say these issues were recently rectified.

It’s nice to see a number of trees starting to blossom across the village that were kindly planted by Cllrs Peter and Vanessa Smith following a successful submission for funding.

Over the last few years we have continued to keep the church clock running. More recently we have found that, following the mechanism restoration nine years ago, we now require significant works on the faces and dial drives to allow the mechanism to operate freely. This was a significant cost that we were fortunate to secure match funding for repair to the dials and hands which has recently been completed.

We would also like to review our emergency planning arrangements and are currently looking for a volunteer flood warden. If you would like to offer your support then please get in touch. Through volunteering we can help reduce demands on local emergency services.

Speeding remains a great concern between Gainsborough and Market Rasen. Please continue to report cases of speeding to the local police which will assist in getting further presence and mechanisms in place to reduce the speeding issue around the area.  

Finally it will be hard to go to the village green and not appreciate the newly finished (and level) road passed the village hall. This caused frustration to many for a significant number of years and was a joint venture between the parish council, village hall committee, WLDC and LCC. Thank you to all the individuals involved in making this a success.

If anyone has any suggestions that would benefit the village further then they are always welcome. As a reminder every parish council meeting starts with a 15 minute public forum. It is a meeting for your benefit and you are always welcome.

Our village hall committee held a number of well attended and appreciated events over the previous year and has a number of exciting events in the diary for the year already. Please keep your eye on Facebook and notice boards for information.

2023/24 will see the continuation, improvement and development of new ideas for the benefit of residents.    

On behalf of my fellow parish councillors we look forward to representing and supporting the village of Glentham over the coming year.

Adam Shaw - Chairman


3   Responsible Financial Officer Report 

The income for 2022/23 was £19,327.22 which includes the precept of £9K and grants/donations of £9,791.63 towards the village hall road refurbishment.

Outgoings were £13,466.36. To date we have not received an invoice from LCC for the road. This means the carried forward figure of £20,266.55 is inflated as the aforesaid amount for the road needs to be paid, together with the parish council’s contribution of £5,500. However Glantham Parish Council has paid the total cost of the church clock repair of £4.8K and is hopeful half of this will be recouped by the long awaited grant from War Memorials Trust, all the required paperwork having now been submitted  


4   Open meeting

There was a presentation from Anglian Water on progress of the new pipeline from Elsham to Lincoln.


The meeting closed at 8.20pm.