January 2023


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 26/1/2023 in the Village Hall

Present:- Cllr A. Shaw (Chairman), Cllr P. Smith, Cllr V. Smith. 

In attendance: County Cllr S. Bunney, Helen Pitman (Clerk).

 Visitors:  One member of the public.

During the public forum the visitor asked about planning, particularly the housing quota and recent planning applications. She also asked about the relaying of pipes by Anglian Water and how this would affect the village. 


1. Co-option of Councillors: No interest.


2. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- Cllrs R. Francis & S. Shaw.


3.  To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:-  None.


4. Notes of last meeting on 24th November to be approved as minutes:-

  The minutes were signed as a true record. 


5. Chair and Council’s Comments:-  Cllr Smith asked about the enforcement issue raised at the previous meeting. The clerk confirmed it had been reported to WLDC but no action had been taken to date. Clerk and Cllr Bunney to chase. 


6. Reports from County & District Councillors:-  Cllr Bunney gave information on forthcoming elections and the fact that photo ID will be needed. Electors without ID will be able to apply for this from WLDC in the near future. LCC budget is out and consultation is ongoing.


7. Crime & Vandalism:- PCSO’s report previously circulated. 


8. Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- Nothing to report.


9. Planning:- 145755 Manor Farm, Church Lane: reconsultation- no objection. Council supports on grounds of sustainability and sensitive positioning.


10. Correspondence:- WLDC election information shared with councillors. Agreed to purchase election leaflets and posters.


11.  Finance & Accounts for payment:- 

Payments for authorisation: Resolved to pay: salary costs: £644.08; HMRC: £138.40; Village hall £6.50; LALC: £155.48. Payments to Time Assured deferred to item 13.


12. To discuss financing of refurbishment to the village hall road: The clerk was pleased to report that WLDC has approved the match funding of £8K and has received the funding agreement, the terms of which were read out to council. Agreed to accept and agreement duly signed. Village Hall committee has confirmed their contribution. Parish Council to fund shortfall. Awaiting start date.


13. Update on the church clock and resolve on payment: The clock has stopped twice since repair and is not working at the moment. Clerk to contact Time Assured. Council resolved to withhold payment until the repair was satisfactory and the clock working properly. 


14. To discuss British Legion Poppy Appeal 2023: Clerk to order six poppies for lampposts.


15. Items for next meeting: Flower tubs; village hall road; church clock.


      There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.10pm.