May 2019 Minutes



Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 15/5/2019 

Present:- Cllr A. Shaw (Chairman), Cllr R. Summers, Cllr J Summers, Cllr S. Shaw. 

In attendance: Helen Pitman (Clerk). 

Visitors: None. 

1. Election of Chairman:- Cllr A. Shaw. Proposed, Cllr J. Summers. Seconded, Cllr R. Summers. Duly elected. 

2. Co-option of Councillors:- Peter Smith. Proposed, Cllr A. Shaw. Seconded, Cllr J. Summers. Elected. 

Vanessa Smith. Proposed, Cllr S. Shaw. Seconded, Cllr R. Summers. Elected. As neither was present the declaration of acceptance was not signed. 

One vacancy remains. 

3. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- None. 

4. Election of Vice chairman:- Cllr J. Summers. Proposed, Cllr R. Summers. Seconded, Cllr A. Shaw. Elected 

5. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None. 

6. Notes of last meeting on 13th March 2019, to be approved as minutes:- 

The minutes were signed as a true record

7. Chair and Council’s Comments:- None. 

8. Reports from District and County Councillors:- County Cllr L. Strange sent his apologies and no report had been received. 

Cllr J. Summers informed council that West Lindsey had provided good services over the past year with many significant decisions including assistance with relocation of shops in Gainsborough and provision of new medical facilities agreed in Caistor. West Lindsey DC is down to the last twelve authorities competing for funding in deprived areas. If in the last five a share £50 million will be made available. 

9. Crime & Vandalism:- PCSO Law was in attendance and gave details of the report circulated to council. 

10. Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- Nothing to report. 

11. Planning:-139323 creation of lake and decked area at Glentham Grange, Cross Lane. Council has no objections/comments. 

12. Correspondence:- Clerks & Councils Direct; election material - circulated. Time Assured: contact details and privacy statements to be completed. 

13. Finance & Accounts for payment:- 

Payments for authorisation: Resolved to pay: salary costs: £501.45; HMRC: £50.60; J. Sales: £70. Invoice for MKS Groundcare Ltd: £450 council resolved to pay the clerk so that payment may be made electronically as requested. Council authorised the clerk to make similar interim payments should further bills from MKS Groundcare arise between meetings. Proposed, Cllr J. Summers. Seconded, Cllr A. Shaw. 

Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2019: 

a) Execute Annual Governance Statement : Executed and duly signed. 

b) To approve Statement of Accounts: Approved and duly signed. 

c) Execute Certificate of Exemption: Executed and duly signed. 

d) Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit and to appoint auditor for 2019/20: Executed and appointed J. Sales. 

14. To review asset register and resolve renewal of annual insurance policy:- Defer to September meeting. 

15. To review financial regulations-: The clerk confirmed current procedure is unchanged. 

16. To review standing orders:- The clerk confirmed current procedure is unchanged. 

17. To discuss & resolve on new equipment at the children's playground:- To accept Wicksteed quote. Proposed, Cllr A. Shaw. Seconded, Cllr J. Summers. Resolved. Clerk to place order. 

18. To discuss & resolve on charitable donations:- Resolved to award £200 to be paid to the Village Hall committee ring fenced for children's events: ie £100 for two separate events to celebrate Halloween and Christmas. Review after the Halloween event following verbal report from the Village Hall committee. 

19. To discuss speed calming in the parish:- Following discussions with police and Lincs Road Safety Partnership council confirms that all is being done and that any future communication by the resident should be sent to the police and LRSP with a copy to the parish council who cannot be responsible for traffic calming. The chairman raised concern that individuals participating in community speed camera initiatives could be put at personal risk from abuse/assault so would prefer to utilise police/LRSP to enforce speeding issues. This was agreed by council. 

20. Items for next meeting:- Overgrown hedgerows, particularly on Washdyke Lane and improvements to the road at the village hall. 

Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 10th July 2019. 

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.20pm