January 2019 Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council on 9/1/2019

Present:- Cllr A. Shaw (Chairman), Cllr R. Summers, Cllr J Summers.

In attendance: Cllr L. Strange (LCC), Helen Pitman (Clerk).

Visitors: None.

1. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- Cllrs P. & V. Smith, Cllr S. Shaw, Cllr T. Firth.

2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None

3. Notes of last meeting on 14th November 2018, to be approved as minutes:-

The minutes were signed as a true record.

4. Chair and Council’s Comments:- The chairman thanked those involved in the playground


5. Reports from District and County Councillors:- Cllr Strange informed council that LCC will

undertake three cuts of highway verges this year rather than two and that all gullies will be cleared as

a matter of course rather than when reported. Pothole repairs will continue throughout the winter

months now that the job has been contracted out to Minster Surfacing. Cllr Summers had nothing

more to report.

6. Crime & Vandalism:- A police report had been circulated to council prior to the meeting. Further

speed enforcement has been carried out in the village. Clerk to request the statistics. The clerk is still

awaiting notification of pole numbers on Bishop Norton Road for her to make the application for

additional 30mph signs.

7. Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- The clerk confirmed that she has completed a redeclaration

of compliance to the Pension Regulator and that Cllr J. Summers has been enrolled on

the LALC Play Areas training on 17th July. An additional inspection report has been carried out by

Wicksteed. Some findings are at odds with the previous report by the Play Inspection Company and

it was therefore agreed to ask Wicksteed to carry out the inspection for 2019. An indication of cost for

resurfacing the village hall road has been obtained and it was agreed to discuss further at the next

meeting. agenda

8. Planning:-138784 single storey extension at 17 Barff Meadows. Council has no


9. Correspondence:- CIL information & Clerks & Councils Direct - circulated.

10. Finance & Accounts for payment:- Resolved to pay: Wicksteed Leisure £72; H Pitman (litter

bin) £96; P. Smith £8.80; Salary costs: £556.42. The Precept upon the Charging Authority form was

duly signed for submission to West Lindsey.

11. To accept the Risk Management Assessment for Nov/Dec 18 and discuss

repairs/replacement of play equipment following a further safety report and community

consultation:- No report on the play equipment received from Cllr V. Smith. However the safety

report has been received from Wicksteed. It was agreed that the swing set should be repaired at a

revised cost of £484.37 as timbers are under warranty. The clerk has completed a Local Councillor

Initiative grant application for £300 which if successful means council will only pay £184.37.The

village consultation has shown there is a preference for a climbing frame with slide and an activity

trail. However, no preferred supplier or costings have as yet been agreed. This needs to be actioned

urgently to allow the clerk to submit the IGas funding application that she has completed before the

deadline of 28th February. Cllr V. Smith is in the process of completing an Awards for All application.

Following discussion with Grant White at WLDC the clerk has ruled out applying for the Pocket Parks

funding but will seek a match funding grant of up to 30% of project cost from West Lindsey District

Council once full details and costings of the project are known.

12. To discuss tree work necessary at the play area-: Drastic pollarding of the trees is be

undertaken as there is a safety issue. Cllr J. Summers is to meet with the WLDC tree officer to

discuss prior to the clerk submitting an application.

13. To resolve to move into closed session to discuss:-

a) Grass cutting contract for 2019: Resolved to appoint MKS Groundcare Ltd on a three year

contract. Following discussion with LCC which was relayed to council it was agreed that the Parish

Agreement be renewed for 2019.

b) Clerk's pay following national pay award 2019: Resolved to accept.

14. Items for next meeting:- Tidy up/Spring Clean Day; Moles in churchyard; Improvement of the

road/village green to include surfacing and fencing; Playground. . Next meeting will be held on

Wednesday, 13th March 2019.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.57pm