January 2025
Minutes of the meeting of Glentham Parish Council, held on 9th January 2025 in Glentham Village Hall, at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs A Shaw (Chair), S Shaw, V Smith
In attendance: A. Lacey (Clerk and Proper Officer)
1. Open Meeting
The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given
Apologies were received from Cllr S Bunney.
It was Resolved that apologies with valid reasons for absence from Cllr S Bunney, be accepted.
3. Public Forum
The meeting was attended by representatives from the Glentham Village Hall (GVH) Management Committee and Steve Leary (WLDC - Policy and Strategy Officer – Environment and Sustainability) andClaire Morris (WLDC – Community & Engagement Officer).
to discuss a grant application submitted to the Parish Council by the Management Committee. This was for upgrading the heating to a more sustainable option.
Following advice received from Steve Leary it was Resolved that the Parish Clerk would look into grantsthat may be available to carry out an initial feasibility study. The current grant application from the GVH will be put on hold pending findings.
Further discussion was held regarding the recent grant application for a Trampoline in the Play Parkarea. This is pending further discussions at WLDC and GPC will be advised of the outcome. It would appear that all monies need to be spent, and the Trampoline paid for and installed, before the end of March 2025.
4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 7th November 2024
It was Resolved to adopt the minutes as a true record.
5. Chair & Council’s comments
The Chair thanked Steve Leary and Claire Morris for their attendance and input.
6. Accounts for payment
Councillors considered the payments submitted and Resolved to approve the following amounts for payment:
Payee |
Detail |
Amount |
VAT (to be reclaimed) |
Total |
H Pitman A Lacey |
Staffing – wages, expenses, PAYE & NI |
£1,290.27 |
0 |
£1,290.27 |
7. Clerks report on matters outstanding, and progress to date
See Appendix
8. Planning – to discuss any applications received from WLDC Planning
No applications received.
9. Correspondence
No correspondence has been received.
10. To discuss grant application received from Glentham Village Hall Management Committee for work to resolve heating issues
The Council deferred further discussion on this pending progress by the Parish Clerk/GVH on applications to cover a feasibility study.
The Council Resolved that a visit by an energy advisor should take place to review the current heating of the Village Hall.
11. Items for next meeting Computer/workphone
The Parish Clerk is currently using a personal laptop and phone for work. The Clerk is to research alternatives, as well as costs, and bring to the next meeting.
Expenses – Parish Clerk: The Clerk was advised that all expenses, such as mileage, printing, stationery and postage should be included at each meeting.
12. Meeting closure
The Chair thanked all participants and the meeting closed at 9.15pm.