January 2021
Minutes of a Virtual Meeting of the Parish Council on 7/1/2021
Present:- Cllr A. Shaw (Chairman), Cllr S. Shaw, Cllr J. Summers, Cllr P. Smith, Cllr V. Smith.
In attendance: Helen Pitman (Clerk).
Visitors: None.
1. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- None
2. Co-option of Councillors: Deferred as no interest so far.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None.
4. Notes of last meeting on 5th November 2021, to be approved as minutes:-
The minutes were signed as a true record.
5. Chair and Council’s Comments:- None.
6. Report from District Councillor:- Not a lot to report. West Lindsey has reorganised staff to assist communities during Covid and are issuing grants to keep businesses afloat. A new freighter terminal is being developed at Caenby Corner.
7. Crime & Vandalism:- No police report received. Petty vandalism at the village hall has ceased.
8. Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- The clerk informed council that to date councils are advised to keep the play parks open during lockdown and is still awaiting confirmation of when Playdale will carry out repairs.
9. Planning:- No applications. Concerns raised with WL enforcement about the field west of The Willows which is being used to store containers and the building plot on Bishop Norton Road. Regarding the latter H&SE seem satisfied with the builder's response and assurances given re asbestos disposal.
10. Correspondence:- None.
11. Finance & Accounts for payment:-
Payments for authorisation: Resolved to pay: salary costs: £587.76. The clerk confirmed that the final payment to Sovereign has been made less cost of the Heras fencing.
12. Report on the play area: Cllr V. Smith informed council that the area looks much better since repairs carried out and that Cllr P.Smith has sprayed the algae once again. Hopefully, Playdale repairs will improve the slippiness of the green wetpour in those areas. The clerk confirmed that she will send out letters to residents regarding refurbishment of the road around the village green.
13. Items for next meeting:- Co-option and ongoing issues with the beck.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.06pm.