March 2021
Minutes of a Virtual Meeting of the Parish Council on 10/3/2021
Present:- Cllr A. Shaw (Chairman), Cllr S. Shaw, Cllr J. Summers, Cllr P. Smith, Cllr V. Smith.
In attendance: Helen Pitman (Clerk).
Visitors: None.
1. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- None
2. Co-option of Councillors: Deferred as no interest so far.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None.
4. Notes of last meeting on 7th January 2021, to be approved as minutes:-
The minutes were signed as a true record.
5. Chair and Council’s Comments:- The chairman commented on the building site on Bishop Norton Road that workers appear to be adhering to rules of site, particularly with regard to removal of asbestos, working at height and PPE. The method of disposal of asbestos was questioned and council requested that the clerk enquire whether there was an asbestos removal plan in place.
6. Report from District Councillor:- Cllr Summers gave an update on the latest Covid situation. £8,146,250 has been awarded by WLDC for Covid grant funding. CIL monies received by council will be spent on the Lincoln by pass, secondary education, affordable housing and primary care.
7. Crime & Vandalism:- No police report received. Cllr V. Smith questioned whether the recent theft of gas bottles had been reported to the police. Cllr Summers confirmed it had. Council was unhappy that no police report is being sent out, particularly when there are instances of crime in the parish.
8. Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- The clerk informed council that WLDC enforcement officer is looking at The Willows and the chairman said he would make contact to give background information.
9. Planning:- 142363/142364 The Old Parsonage, Bishop Norton Road: No objection but council raised concerns about the height of the building and overlooking of the bungalow adjacent.
10. Correspondence:- None.
11. Finance & Accounts for payment:-
Payments for authorisation: Resolved to pay: salary costs: £555.55; Playdale: £2645.96; LALC: £152.92. The clerk confirmed that the net bank balance as at 28th Feb was £14,644.85.
12. Report on the play area: Cllr V. Smith informed council that the play area looks really good now and the only thing needing regular attention are the gates. The clerk to seek quotes for repair and new. Agenda
13. To discuss ongoing issues with the beck:- Concern was raised about the problem with the stones and brickwork on the beck sides and the footbridge. Council of the opinion that a structural survey needs to be carried out. The clerk to contact an engineer and obtain cost of a survey and enquire whether there is a cost of an Environment Agency permit to carry out work. agenda
14. To discuss way forward with refurbishment of road around the village green following contact withresidents affected:- The clerk confirmed she had received replies from all but one of the householders and that they were positive. Council agreed an onsite meeting should be held with the residents to discuss materials, costs etc. To be arranged once Covid restrictions are lifted.
15. To discuss request from parishioner to create a small garden next to Seggimoor Farm development: Ownership of land needs to be ascertained before a decision can be taken on whether to take forward. However, council approved the idea in principal.
13. Items for next meeting:- Co-option; issues with the beck; play area gates; tree planting scheme; insurance.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.38pm.