May 2021
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held virtually on 13/5/2021
Present:- Cllr A. Shaw (Chairman), Cllr S. Shaw, Cllr P. Smith, Cllr V. Smith.
In attendance: Helen Pitman (Clerk).
Visitors: None.
1. Election of Chairman:- Cllr A. Shaw. Proposed, Cllr P. Smith. Seconded, Cllr V. Smith.
2. Co-option of Councillors: Deferred as no interest so far. There are now three vacancies due to the resignation of Cllr Summers. It was agreed that a notice advertising the vacancies be put in the Signpost magazine.
3. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- None
4. Election of Vice Chairman:- Cllr P. Smith. Proposed, Cllr V. Smith. Seconded, Cllr A. Shaw.
5. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None.
6. Notes of last meeting on 10th March 2021, to be approved as minutes:-
The minutes were signed as a true record.
7. Chair and Council’s Comments:- The chairman said that he was very disappointed to report a fatality in the community. The local authorities are aware there have been issues with motorbikes and have failed to address concerns. Now however they are fully aware there is an issue with speeding on the A631.
8. Reports from County & District Councillors:- Neither in attendance.
9. Crime & Vandalism:- Police report received and circulated. Council were pleased with the response from PC Toyn re speeding in the village.
10. Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- The clerk informed council that there had been no response from the Environment Agency about the beck; from WLDC enforcement or Environmantal health about the digester or LCC regarding the verge near Seggimoor Farm. Council of the opinion that the footbridge over the beck could be in the ownership of LCC and asked the clerk to contact re repair. Repairs to the pub wall being made.
11. Planning:- 142916 land east of A15/Caenby Corner; 142927/142928 Kenreth, Cross Lane: No objections/comments.
142847 Cobwebs, Middlefield Lane: concerns were raised re additional parking as only two spaces were available. The lane is narrow and single track with no passing place and any parking on the road would not allow access for emergency services or other vehicles.
12. Correspondence:- LCC election results.
13. Finance & Accounts for payment:-
Payments for authorisation: Resolved to pay: salary costs: £590.35; H Pitman re Elite Signs: £48; MKS Groundcare: £450.
Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2021
a) Execute Annual Governance Statement: Executed
b) To Approve Statement of Accounts: Approved.
c) Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit and to appoint internal auditor for 21/22: Executed and Cassells re-appointed.
14. To review asset register and resolve on renewal of annual insurance policy: Clerk confirmed asset register updated to include replacement bench at Barff Meadow. Insurance not due for renewal until September.
15. To review Financial Regulations & Standing Orders:- Reviewed.
16. To discuss & resolve on new gates at the playground:- Three quotes sought/two obtained.. Resolved to appoint RDL Home Services at a cost of £500.
17. To discuss & resolve on tree planting scheme: Defer to July meeting.
18. To discuss the charity bin sited at the rear of the village hall:- There is already a bin in the pub car park. Council considers it unsightly in a conservation area and it is being used to access the roof by youngsters. Therefore council asked the clerk to get it removed.
19. To discuss residents request for a speed camera on A6631 following recent accident:-Due to the seriousness of this council has already approached the necessary authorities and a scheme is being looked at by LRSP. The police are also aware of speeding tankers on Bishop Norton Road and Cllr P. Smith will liaise with the police.
20. Items for next meeting:- Co-option; issues with the beck; tree planting scheme.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.48pm.