July 2021
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held virtually on 1/7/2021
Present:- Cllr A. Shaw (Chairman), Cllr S. Shaw, Cllr P. Smith, Cllr V. Smith.
In attendance: Helen Pitman (Clerk) & County Cllr S. Bunney.
Visitors: None.
1. Co-option of Councillors: Deferred as no interest despite notice in the Signpost magazine.
2. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- None
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None.
4. Notes of last meeting on 13th May 2021, to be approved as minutes:-
The minutes were signed as a true record.
5. Chair and Council’s Comments:- Concerns were raised that as there is no longer a representative from the village hall committee on the parish council and vice versa there is no line of communication. As custodians of the hall, the parish council should be regularly updated. The clerk was asked to write to the committee to request copies of minutes of meetings and the audited accounts and for regular monthly communication to take place between the two
6. Reports from County & District Councillors:- Since becoming the LCC representative in May, Cllr Bunney has spent time on the road safety/speeding situation and has met with the police. He has requested that Lincs Road Safety Partnership look at average speed cameras and move the camera from Bishopbridge nearer to Glentham on the bend. Cllr Bunney is meeting with Joe Phillips, LCC highways officer, on 9th July to go round the area and will report back to council. Council agreed that average speed cameras were the way forward and the clerk was asked to write a formal letter of support to Cllr Bunney.
In Cllr Summers absence, Cllr Bunney informed council that there is an environment and sustainability debate at West Lindsey and Local Plan consultation.
7. Crime & Vandalism:- Letter from Chris Davison, Assistant Chief Constable outlining investment in Neighbourhood Policing and the desire to work collaboratively with communities with quarterly meetings and reports to parish councils and regular newsletters. The clerk will share these with council and post on the notice board/website.
8. Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- The clerk informed council that LCC is to investigate the state of the footbridge over the beck; request for removal of the charity bin has been made and Cllr P. Smith advised this was to happen on 2nd July; the clerk has asked for a safety inspection of the play equipment and service of the defibrillator.
9. Planning:- No applications. The clerk confirmed the Central Lincs draft Local Plan consultation runs from 30th June to 24th August. Having looked at the plan she reported that there is no remaining growth in Glentham, the village having 34 outstanding dwellings with permission.
10. Correspondence:- LCC major road safety improvements on A631 between Glentham and Middle Rasen to commence on 12th July.
11. Finance & Accounts for payment:-
Payments for authorisation: Resolved to pay: salary costs: £572.53; H Pitman re Defibshop: £198.60; MKS Groundcare: £600; Time Assured: £180; Cassells: £78.
12. To discuss & resolve on tree planting scheme: Cllr V. Smith had circulated information prior to the meeting and confirmed she has submitted an LCC Wildlife grant application for £1000. It was agreed that councillors would walk round the village and decide exactly where to plant the trees and how many, possibly ten up to a maximum of fifteen. To be arranged before the visit by the LCC grants officer.
13. Items for next meeting:- Co-option; issues with the beck; tree planting scheme; village hall; playground.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.10pm.