January 2024



Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on    18/1/2024 at 7.30pm


Present:- Cllr S. Shaw, Cllr A. Shaw, Cllr S. Bunney, Cllr V. Smith. 

      In attendance: Helen Pitman (Clerk).

      Visitors:  None.



1. Co-option of Councillors: S. Bunney appointed under S91 of LGA 1972 on to council.


2. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- None.


3.  To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:-  None.


4. Notes of last meeting on 2nd November 2023 to be approved as minutes:-

       The meeting was invalid as not quorate.  


5. Chair and Council’s Comments:- Chairman attended the recent Police & Crime Commissioner meeting (the latter not in attendance). Speeding was a hot topic and the chairman has raised concerns about aggressive speeding in Glentham. Average speed cameras are to be installed from Bishopbridge to Ludford and the chairman requested these be installed from Caenby Corner, to include Glentham. Police representatives at the meeting agreed to take this away for discussion.  


6. Reports from County & District Councillors:- Cllr Bunney gave an update on devolution as the LCC councillor.

Cllr Duguid not in attendance to report from WLDC.


7. Crime & Vandalism:- Police stats have been circulated. The area’s quarterly target is the Fatal 5 to include speeding, drink/drug driving, mobile phones and driving without due care and attention. The clerk has sent a response to the parishioner re speeding and installation of cameras. An Archer survey to be requested from Caenby corner through the village in the summer when bikes are a major problem. 


8.  Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- Nothing to report. 


9. Planning:- 147527 Home Farm, Ermine Street, Caenby -  Concern re access. Suggest redesign of entrance ie wider splay.

147742/147743 Old Parsonage. Bishop Norton Road – no objections

147755 land off High Street – objections on the grounds of quota exceeded; greenfield site; access onto dangerous road re speed and on hill.


10. Correspondence:-  Circulated. 


11.  Finance & Accounts for payment:- 

Payments for authorisation: Resolved to pay: salary costs: £800.17; HMRC: £193.61;  WLDC: £433.34; D. Beer: £100.  


12. To discuss new play equipment:-  Cllr S Shaw had obtained a quote for two pieces of equipment. However, concern was raised re small print on quote from supplier regarding the safety conformity of the rocking horse and a climbing wall was felt to be more appropriate, together with a trampoline. It was agreed consultation with parishioners would be undertaken before funding is sought.agenda


13. To approve budget & resolve on precept:-: Budget accepted. Precept increased to £10,400. Unanimous. 


14. Items for next meeting:-  Co-option; church clock battery back up; expansion of the play park; planters; speeding.


      There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.