July 2022


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 7/7/2022 in the Parish Church

Present:- Cllr P. Smith (Chairman), Cllr S. Shaw, Cllr V. Smith & Cllr R. Francis . 

In attendance: Helen Pitman (Clerk).

Visitors:  None.


1. Co-option of Councillors: No interest.


2. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- Cllr A. Shaw


3.  To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:-  None.


4. Notes of last meeting on 5th May 2022, to be approved as minutes:-

  The minutes were signed as a true record. 


5. Chair and Council’s Comments:-  None.


6. Reports from County & District Councillors:-  Neither councillor present and no report sent.


7. Crime & Vandalism:- No report received from the PCSO. 


8. Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- The clerk asked that the Co-operative bank mandate be completed by all councillors and sent to her to action. Also that Cllr Francis complete the code of conduct acceptance form which was duly done.


9. Planning:- Redevelopment at Glendower House: Glentham Parish Council supports the proposal on the basis that it is a brownfield site; current building is an eyesore; local residents support demolition and redevelopment; whilst 2no. bungalows will be replacing 1no.existing it was previously a house of multiple occupancy which historically was a shop and a house. However, council has concern about the site of the garages to the front of the property. There is potential problems re access, sightlines and manoeuvrability particularly into the garage at the front. Council would like to see the plans amended.


10. Correspondence:- None.


 11.  Finance & Accounts for payment:- 

Payments for authorisation: Resolved to pay: salary costs: £481.15; HMRC: £103.80, H Pitman (defib refund): £204.60; Cassells: £78; AJ Williams: £696. Council commented that the grass cutting is excellent. The clerk confirmed that the forms have been submitted to PKF Littlejohn and the audit is now complete. VAT of £532.74 was reclaimed on 1st July.


12. To discuss financing of refurbishment to the village hall road: The clerk had circulated a report on options for funding prior to the meeting. However in Cllr A. Shaw’s absence the matter was deferred to the next meeting for all councillors to discuss. 


13. Update on church clock repairs: In the chairman’s absence the clerk gave an update on the funding application. It was agreed that a holding email be sent to War Memorials Trust to allow more time to get the additional information needed. Also that the clerk would pursue another funding application. 


14. Receipt of play inspection report: Cllr V. Smith has undertaken regular inspection. Three blocks on the adventure trail are starting to rot but still solid. Bird mess is a big issue and both her and Cllr P. Smith have been regularly cleaning the equipment. The clerk suggested spikes be used to deter birds. Cllr Smith to investigate cost. The wetpour under the slide is lifting but a safety inspection is due soon which will raise concerns if this needs addressing. 


15. Items for next meeting:

Co-option; church clock; village hall road scheme; play area; representative on village hall committee.



      There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.34pm.