May 2022
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on 5/5/2022 after the Annual Parish meeting
Present:- Cllr A. Shaw (Chairman), Cllr P. Smith, Cllr V. Smith.
In attendance: Cllr S. Bunney & Helen Pitman (Clerk).
Visitors: Two.
1. Election of Chairman:- Cllr A. Shaw. Proposed, Cllr P. Smith. Seconded, Cllr V. Smith.
2. Co-option of Councillors: Two vacancies remain but still no interest.
3. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- Cllrs S. Shaw & R. Francis.
4. Election of Vice Chairman:- Cllr P. Smith. Proposed, Cllr V. Smith. Seconded, Cllr A. Shaw.
5. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None.
6. Notes of last meeting on 3rd March 2022 to be approved as minutes:-
The minutes were signed as a true record.
7. Chair and Council’s Comments:- The chairman commented on the digester which had been discussed at the earlier meeting. Cllr P. Smith reported that the two swings removed during covid to maintain social distancing were still in store. Council agreed to replace them. A request made by a resident to leave a tyre used for exercise in the play area was refused due to liability and safety issues.
8. Reports from County & District Councillors:- Cllr Bunney reported there were three main LCC issues:
Money from central government for roads was not forthcoming so LCC was having to use its own funds to repair potholes;
the levelling up agenda is a cause for concern as Lincolnshire does not fit in with the larger model. Greater Lincolnshire is looking to work closer together which should save money;
the policing situation. Notice has been taken of problems on the A631 and a unit has been set up to look and speed and particularly bikes. Police are picking up on sound and number plates. There are no stats at present but hopefully these will be coming forward. LRSP are looking at reversing the camera at Bishopbridge.
As no information was forthcoming from Cllr Summers Cllr Bunney gave the WLDC update.
Emergency Planning- a new template has been formulated to replace the previous plans set a number of years ago;
Grants for insulation and heating pumps are to be looked at in the future.
9. Crime & Vandalism:- Police report received and circulated. This covered the period from Nov 21 to May 22.
10. Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- The clerk informed council of:
a number of grass cutting issues;
further correspondence re speeding. The resident had been advised to report speeding incidents to the police via 101 so a log may be recorded. However, the recent email from the PCSO had stated no incidents had been reported;
grit bin for Washdyke Lane has been refused;
Co-operative bank application has been started but needs information from other signatories.
11. Planning:- The clerk informed council that an appeal had been made regarding refusal of listed building consent at the Old Parsonage, Bishop Norton Road.
Council has no objections/comments on application for the lagoon at Barff Meadow.
12. Correspondence:- None
13. Finance & Accounts for payment:-
Payments for authorisation: Resolved to pay: salary costs: £521; HMRC: £114.60; AJ Williams: £1008.
Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2022
a) Execute Annual Governance Statement: Executed
b) To Approve Statement of Accounts: Approved.
c) Certificate of Exemption
d) Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit and to appoint internal auditor for 22/23: Executed and Cassells re-appointed.
14. To review asset register and resolve on renewal of annual insurance policy: Clerk confirmed no amendments to asset register needed. Insurance due for renewal in September.
15.& 16. To review Financial Regulations & Standing Orders:- Reviewed.
17. To review code of conduct:- Council agreed to adopt the new WLDC code..
18. To discuss refurbishment of the village hall road: Having received the quote for the cost of materials for the work, council was circumspect and asked for the matter to be deferred. The clerk suggested that council look at various options regarding financing the project and it was agreed she prepare details for the next meeting. agenda.
19. To resolve on money set aside for covid relief:- Council resolved on virement of funds to general reserve.
20. To discuss the church clock:-The clerk informed council that the funding application to the Heritage Lottery had not been successful. It was agreed that she would request tenders from two other companies to pursue the War Commission grant application.
21. To discuss response to further request from resident re footpath access to Barff Meadow: Council reiterated that the path is not the responsibility of the parish council and that cutting of grass within the village does not confer ownership of land but is to ensure tidiness of the village.
22. Items for next meeting:- Co-option; village hall road; clock; play inspection.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.25pm.