Minutes of meeting January 2020


Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council on 23/1/2020 

Present:- Cllr A. Shaw (Chairman), Cllr P. Smith, Cllr V. Smith, Cllr J Summers, Cllr R. Summers, Cllr M. Doyle. 

In attendance: Helen Pitman (Clerk). 

Visitors: Two. 

1. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- Cllr S. Shaw. 

2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:- None. 

3. Notes of last meeting on 21st November 2019, to be approved as minutes:- 

The minutes were signed as a true record

4. Chair and Council’s Comments:- The Chairman had no comments to make. Cllr J. Summers wished to raise an issue but it was agreed that this be discussed in agenda item 13. 

5. Reports from District and County Councillors:- None from either councillor. 

6.. Crime & Vandalism:- No police report received. 

7. Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- Clerk reported that insurance cover has been increased to £35K to reflect the new play equipment. Came & Co has confirmed that no pro rata additional premium is due until the next renewal date. 

The clerk has completed the Local Councillor Initiative Fund application for a salt bin and submitted to Cllr J. Summers, as the district councillor, for approval. 

MKS Groundcare has confirmed that they will continue to cut the grass as per contract ie the second year of three. 

Blocked drains on Bishop Norton Road have been reported but council not aware of any action being taken. Clerk will report again. 

8. Planning:- 140316, Glendower House, High Street: Objections/comments. Council's response had been sent. 

140485, to erect operational services depot on land east of A15, north of A631: no objections. However council wishes to raise concerns regarding potential flooding of Seggimoor Beck and that adequate consideration is given to mitigate this before planning permission is given. 

9. Correspondence:- Clerks & Councils Direct. 

10. Finance & Accounts for payment:- 

Payments for authorisation: Resolved to pay: salary costs: £535.90; HMRC: £4.20; H. Pitman re invoice for MKS Groundcare Ltd: £300; Wicksteed: £54; J. Summers: £27 wire for footbridge approved at last meeting. J. Summers: £60.01 to repair potholes in village hall car park. Resolved to be paid under Financial Regulation 4.5. 

To resolve on precept figure and sign Precept Request form:- £8772. Proposed, Cllr V. Smith. Seconded, Cllr A. Shaw. Resolved unanimous. 

11. Inspection report on the play area:- Cllr V. Smith gave a verbal report. The safety inspection undertaken by Wicksteed had identified four items to action which included cleaning of equipment and safety surfaces and removal of dog faeces. The council was of the opinion that the cost of repair to the 2 bay timber swing is disproportionate and will look at replacement equipment. Cllr V. Smith to obtain quotes for discussion at the next meeting. Agenda 

12. To discuss registering the village pub as a community asset:- This matter having been raised in the public forum and discussed at length, council agreed this should be a community led project and thanked the resident for his offer to undertake a village petition. Glentham Parish Council supports the initiative but will not support financially. 

13. To discuss & resolve on cost of fencing/matting for the village green and consultation on car park facilities at the village hall:- Council resolved to form a working party with members of the village hall committee to take this matter forward. Cllrs J. Summers and P. Smith were appointed to represent the council. It was agreed that it should be a phased scheme. The working party should look at various degrees of repair and these should be costed and brought back to council to be discussed at the March meeting. The level of contribution from the Village Hall committee needs to be confirmed for the next meeting also in order to progress the matter. Council with then look at compiling a questionnaire to circulate to all residents outlining the options and cost implications. Agenda 

14. Items for next meeting:- Parking and road improvements at the village hall; Replacement swing set. 

Next meeting will be held on Thursday, 5th March 2020. 

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.04m