Minutes of meeting July 2020



Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council on 2/7/202

Present:- Cllr A. Shaw (Chairman), Cllr S. Shaw, Cllr P. Smith, Cllr V. Smith, Cllr J. Summers. 

In attendance: Helen Pitman (Clerk).

Visitors:  Seven members of the public.


1. Apologies for Absence and Reasons Given:- None.

Items 16 & 17 brought forward:-

17. To discuss & resolve on maintenance of council owned bench sited on Barff Meadows:- Following residents' request to resite the bench to a more prominent position council resolved to purchase a new bench with planters to go either side and site behind the Barff Meadows street sign. It was agreed that the residents would undertake the work and that they would maintain the planters. The clerk to request that WLDC resite the litter bin. 


16. To discuss grass cutting and maintenance of council owned land:- The matter of missed areas on the grass cutting schedule has now been resolved. Council agreed to Barff Meadows residents' request to be responsible for maintenance of the area of land adjoining Bishop Norton Road.


2. Co-option of Councillors: Deferred


3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:-  Cllrs A. Shaw and P. Smith declared a pecuniary interest in item11 as they were claiming refunds of items purchased for council.


4. Notes of last meeting on 5th March 2020, to be approved as minutes:-

       The minutes were signed as a true record.  


5. Chair and Council’s Comments:- No comments to make. 


6. Report from District Councillor:-  None.


7.. Crime & Vandalism:- No police report received.


      8. Clerk's Report on Matters Outstanding:- The clerk informed council that LCC has now sent log  in details for the new website. However online training will need to be carried out, details of which                                                                            she will share with Cllr P. Smith.               


9. Planning:- 141119 land at Sunnyside; 140968 Plot 1 Bella Vista, Bishop Norton Road; 141146 land adj to Bella Vista Bishop Norton Road- No comments/objections


10. Correspondence:- None. 


11.  Finance & Accounts for payment:- 

Payments for authorisation: Resolved to pay: salary costs: £528.85; HMRC: £4.20; P Smith: £24.98; JL Sales: £70; MKS Groundcare: £300 x2;A Shaw: £16.48 & £20.40.

Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2020 

a) Execute Annual Governance Statement: Executed.

b) To approve Statement of Accounts: Approved.

c) Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit & to appoint auditor for 2020/21: Executed. Cassells appointed.  


12. Inspection report on the play area and to discuss & resolve on quotes for replacement swing set:- Council has undertaken a maintenance and clean up operation at the play area prior to reopening. New signage re Covid-19 to be erected. Defer replacement equipment. 


13. To resolve on funding requests from LIVES; Marie Curie & British Red Cross:- Resolved to award £50 to LIVES. 


14. To discuss working party's recommendations for parking & improvements to the road at the village hall:-  The chairman has approached LCC regarding their adoption of the road but they have stated they are not prepared to do so. Cllr Summers' reiterated his proposal to move forward with the full plan as submitted at the working party meeting ie parking for twelve cars. The chairman stated that parking for twelve cars on the village green would have too much impact on the conservation area and that there was a proposal at the working group meeting of providing six spaces on the village green, two spaces at the front of the village hall and four spaces at the rear of the hall. This proposal has been dismissed without justification.

Cllr P. Smith said council needed to see justification by the Village Hall committee for the number of parking spaces. The clerk has requested a meeting with the Conservation Officer. Agenda


15. To discuss maintenance of village hall planters:- Cllr Summers left the meeting due to the poor sound quality of the virtual meeting. Council agreed that the wooden planters need to be replaced in the autumn. Costs to be sought. It was agreed that Cllrs V. Smith and S. Shaw would maintain the concrete planters.


18. To discuss & resolve on project to replace the memorial stone at the church:- The chairman is looking into funding and stonemasons to take the project forward. Council resolved for him to continue. Suggestions were made that some fund raising events with the church could be arranged to raise the additional 25% of the funding needed to complete the project.


19. To discuss & resolve on maintenance work to the beck:- It was agreed that professional advice should be sought and the clerk to contact the Environment Agency.


20. To discuss staffing matters:- Council happy for clerk to continue in post when she relocates to Collingham.


21. Items for next meeting:- Parking and road improvements at the village hall; Replacement swing /traverse logs; Co-option.



      There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.