Village Hall

Glentham Village Hall is an ex-RAF billet hut from Hemswell which was transported to the village by tractor and trailer and opened for use on 22nd May 1964. In 1974 and 1978, the brick-built kitchen, toilets and front entrance were added. In 2010, the Hall was refurbished with reclad walls, replacement windows and doors, improved access, a disabled toilet and a new kitchen.
The Hall acts as the main focal point for most village activities (including the Post Office) and is regularly used by the Indoor Bowls Club, 55+ Club, Wednesday Coffee Morning, Knit & Knatter Group, Parish and Parochial Church Councils, commercial organisations and private bookings. The Village Hall Committee provides additional events which include: the Annual Duck Races, quiz nights, Xmas fayres, talks, table top sales, race nights, murder mysteries, discos, barn dances, etc.
Village Hall events and activities are advertised on posters around the village, in the local press, in Signpost and on this website noticeboard. Groups that use the Village Hall are always looking for more members. Support for any of the Village Hall activities and events is welcomed as are enquiries for private hire.
Contact: Catherine 07565 440572